Plastic Bags

Plastic Bags

Keeping a variety of bags in stock for any occasion is always a sensible idea. Bags of all varieties have a life span. From one-time use bags such as sandwich bags to under-bed storage bags, they all need to be replaced at some time or another. They are a classic repeat purchase item, making them an excellent product keep topped up. We carry a wide range of wholesale carrier bags, children’s school lunch bags, storage bags, food storage bags, nappy bags, business travel bags and more, all of which were selected for their great price and saleability. For example, our line of small, large and jumbo patterned shopping bags have a number of different possible uses including storage bag and laundry bag uses. Jumbo storage bags and under-bed storage zip-up bags are great for making the most of limited space at home and are perfect for securely packing away items for going into storage. In the kids’ bag line, our models include school bags, travel bags and lunch bags. All of the favourite cartoon and TV characters are there to make them desirable to as large a potential customer base as possible. From a business supply point of view, we’re happy to be able to offer a good choice of cheap carrier bags for every sort of commercial retailer, from high-quality, long-lasting, multi-use bags to the single-use, disposable type.

Boxes of 2,000 blue vest bags and similar items are particularly popular with all retailers from food outlets to car parts sales. Large sized, clear refugee sacks are also very practical for ensuring recycling is managed properly and protecting against employee theft. Keep in mind that wholesale carrier bags and refuse bags are one the items most often overlooked when retailers are ordering stock.

32 products

32 products

E-lite Style Zipper Seal Food Bags 20 Pack Large
Extra Heavy Duty Black Bags Recycled 50 Roll Pack
Laundry Bag Check Design Medium
Poly-Lion Heavy Duty Refuse Sacks 20 Roll Pack
Queen of Cakes Disposable Dual Piping Icing Bags 10 Pack
Queen of Cakes Disposable Icing Bags 20 Pack
Recycled Black Refuse Sacks Bags Flat Packed 200 Case Pack
Round House Black Refuse Sacks Bags 20 Roll Pack
Round House Cling Film 30cm x 50m
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SealaPack Re-usable Toaster Bags 2 Pack
SealaPack Reusable Toaster Bags 2 Pack
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Small Vest Carrier Bags Tulip White - Case of 2000
Tidyz Rubble Sacks 32L 7 Pack
Tidyz Clear Freezer Bags 300 Pack
TidyZ Extra Strong Black Refuse Sacks Bags Drawstring 50L 20 Pack
Tidyz Garden Sacks with Tie Handles 50L 10 Pack
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TidyZ Resealable Slide Zip Food Bags 15 Pack
TidyZ Resealable Slide Zip Food Bags 15 Pack
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Tidy Z Disposable Fragranced Sanitary Bags 50 Pack
TidyZ Doggy Bags Fragranced 80 Pack
Doggy Bags with Tie Handles Fragranced Extra Strong 100 Pack
Tidyz Fragranced Fresh Linen Pedal Bin 15L 20 Pack
Tidyz Fragranced Fresh Linen Swing Bin Liners 50L 10 Pack
TidyZ Scented Pedal Bin Liners with Tie Handles Assorted Fragrance 30 Pack
Tidyz Fragranced Strawberry Swing Bin Liners 50L 10 Pack
Tidyz Fragranced Citrus Lemon & Fresh Linen Summer 15 Bags
Tidyz Fragranced Swing Bin Liners Tie Handles 50L 40 Pack
TidyZ Super Strong Black Refuse Sacks Bags Drawstring 100L 10 Pack Roll
TidyZ Super Strong Black Refuse Sacks Bags Drawstring 50L 10 Pack Roll
TidyZ White Handy Pedal Bin Liners Bags 40 Pack Roll
Wastesmart Extra Strong Black Wheelie Bin Bags 5 Pack Roll